Sunday, March 29, 2020

Organic Chemistry Practice Problems - Great Help For Preparation

Organic Chemistry Practice Problems - Great Help For PreparationOrganic chemistry practice problems are developed and tested by the student in his or her own environment. Therefore, they are quite interesting and give an opportunity to give your students a taste of real science. They should be given as reminders at regular intervals to remind them to prepare and to work in a certain sequence.The organic chemistry practice problems have a lot of power and influence in their development. Once you start, they will never let you go. These have been specially created for you and will help you make the most out of your online chemistry course.If you are planning to prepare for your organic chemistry exams, then these problems are perfect because they will make the teacher ask many questions and even prompt you to think about what you do not know. Although the questions that you get may seem a bit childish, they are meant to expose you to some aspects that you might not even thought of.Ther e are many reasons for why you might want to prepare for your organic chemistry practice tests. For instance, you may want to prepare to write an essay on an important topic. Or, you may be preparing for a scientific communication course that requires writing articles. These have all sorts of relevance for the chemistry student.Some students even opt to help others prepare for organic chemistry practice tests. This is a very good way to go about. Once you have prepared some solutions, you can then use them and share them with others.There are plenty of ways to get organic chemistry practice problems. There are some sites where you can access multiple problems and have a go. This can be a great way to keep yourself mentally occupied while you prepare for your exams.These are just some tips to consider when you look for your online chemistry study program. I am sure that you will find a good one and be able to prepare for your exams well.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Test Taking Strategies for Students at Every Level

Test Taking Strategies for Students at Every Level Test Taking Strategies for Students at Every Level Let’s be honest; most students are not jumping for joy after receiving news about an upcoming quiz or test. One might instead hear the grumbling of an uneasy class and perhaps lay witness to several students dropping their heads to their desks in silent protest. Or maybe you’re the one with your head down. In any case, this is surely a current experience students, and all to come will endure more than once in their career. It is thus vital that one learns how to properly manage test-related anxiety and prepare like a pro, so that come test time, you will walk into the room with confidence and be ready to succeed in any situation our private Irvine test prep tutors are here to help you succeed. It is important to note: developing adept test-taking skills is not something one can accomplish overnight. However, do not panic. It is something that you can certainly learn by following a basic set of steps and procedures. Below, I’ve attempted to break down test-taking strategies into three main categories of development: Preparation, Time Management, and Attitude. Though everyone’s approach to studying tends to be slightly different, I believe there is something in this article for everyone; and it can be, at the very least, a good place to start developing these essential skills. Preparation Once you know the date of your exam, it is important to begin thinking about how you will prepare. This includes getting organized and thinking long-term. Getting organized is a great place to start. This involves gathering all class notes, homework, and relevant quizzes or tests that you might find helpful during study. Try creating a chronologically-ordered “study packet” so you can easily find important information when completing study guides or reviewing materials. Note: for math exams, repetition of homework and example problems is critical. To maximize your efforts, one can make review sheets comprised of old homework/quiz/test/example problems from different topics on the same sheet â€" mix up the question types to simulate an actual test, which will often not have questions from the same section located close to one another. Thinking long term is also essential in preparing. Though you do not have to begin studying right after you get the test date (it is likely you will not even have all the materials needed to study for the exam), it is essential to avoid procrastination. This means do not wait until the day before the exam to begin reviewing. Instead, start thinking about the relevant material at least several days before the test. In my experience, working through problems or reading notes about 2-3 days before the test date renders the best results. Time Management Time is a crucial element in any exam setting. Whether in preparation or during the actual test, your time management skills can make or break your experience and results. In preparation, it is essential that you set aside the proper amount of time to study each day before your exam. Whether you need one hour or one hundred hours to study does not matter â€" what does is that you manage your time wisely to allow enough time for preparation. This means you might have to skip your favorite TV show occasionally, or perhaps leave practice, the gym, or any other extracurricular event a bit earlier than you normally would. This skill is also crucial to master for use during the test as well. Confidently finishing all the problems within the time limit of the exam is obviously best-case scenario. But how do you achieve this? By understanding pacing. In a nutshell, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and how quickly you can properly answer certain types of questions (whether it be short answers, multiple choice, or math problems) is important for this part. To properly pace, you should follow these three rules: 1.       Do the easiest problems first. 2.       Leave a difficult question if it is taking too long. 3.       Go back to the harder questions and attempt them again, in order, once you have finished the others. By following these three steps, you will be able to maximize a number of questions you can confidently finish on just about every type of test. Attitude The last and most important piece of advice I can offer is that your attitude will undoubtedly shape your performance and results. It is essential that you relax, remain persistent in your efforts as a student, and try to stay positive. Do not forget to relax. Enter the exam setting with a smile and take a deep breath. After all, it’s just a test. I know I know, “it’s not just a test, this exam will determine my (insert life-threatening results here).” But the reality is, life will go on after you leave the classroom. That being said, always try your best â€" that’s what this guide is meant for anyway! Persistence is one of the most important attributes to develop as a student because you will inevitably encounter at least one roadblock in your career. Whether it’s missing a homework assignment, not understanding the material during class, failing a test, or dropping a class, as I said before, your life will most certainly continue. The adage that tells us never to give up and try, try again could not be truer. Move forward, learn from your mistakes, and try to do better next time. Always maintain a positive perspective on the situation. You can truly make yourself succeed or fail; a lot depends on your mindset before the exam. Believe in yourself, and your ability to succeed, and things will often go your way. You’ve got this. This post was written by Jack McKay of TutorNerds. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Basis Educational Group

Basis Educational Group Basis Educational Group BASIS.ed is a dynamic International educational network that manages world quality schools in three complementary markets: free, open-enrollment public charter schools; tuition-based domestic metro-area private schools; tuition-based international private schools. Our goal is to provide the widest possible access to our program in order to provide our graduates with the widest degree of choice in their future lives. All the schools in our network, public charter and private, domestic and international, are built upon the same pedagogic, curricular and cultural educational platform that is accredited by AdvancedED. BASIS.ed creates and manages the central curricular, assessment, teacher and manager training processes that make our student learning results possible. It also provides all back office support services to the schools: human resources, finance and accounting, marketing and IT. Our culture is driven by a relentless focus on the key factors that improve student learning: we monitor results to ensure that students and teachers are meeting the very high bar that we have set. Our cycle of performance measurements and program management allows the finest employees within BASIS.ed to advance, so that we have a standard to inspire quality in every school that we manage. Our Educational Vision We teach, its fun, its hard, its all about the future. Michael and Olga Block At the core of Michael and Olga Blocks educational vision is a belief that the goal of a great education is to provide students with choices, with unbounded opportunities, to send them to college and into their professional lives empowered by the broad and deep content knowledge and critical thinking skills that will enable them to craft their own futures. From the beginning their vision has been more ambitious than opening the best school in Tucson, or Scottsdale or even Arizona. It is to create a dynamic network of the finest schools in the world that can represent America at its best: a pre-K 12 fusion of creativity, innovation and rigorous experimentation and problem-solving that is the signature of such legendary intellectual communities as Bell Labs and the NASA Apollo program. Today this network of schools uniquely encompasses open-enrollment public charter schools across the nation, private schools in the major US metropolitan areas, and international schools. Whilst each type of school offers programs and facilities appropriate to the communities served, at the core of this dynamic network is a common mission: BASIS.ed is redefining education and leading the U. S. and the world in producing breathtaking learning results. The promise of this vision is that expert, passionate teachers inspire their students to fall in love with learning, with the satisfaction to be gained from hard work, with the joy of intellectual and creative effort and with the acceptance of struggle and failure as an inevitable part of a productive and stimulating life. Learning is BASIS.eds business. We manage some of the best schools in the world and we are working hard to ensure that more and more students will have access to the opportunity and choices we open for them in this uncertain, volatile world.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Common Resume Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Common Resume Mistakes and How to Fix Them Photo Via: 1. Grammatical errors First and foremost, some of the most common resume mistakes are related to grammatical errors. Whether this is simple misspellings of words or improper punctuation, these errors do not read well on a professional document meant to highlight your strengths. It’s absolutely imperative that you proofread your resume prior to submitting it for consideration. In addition, it helps to have another individual proofread it with a fresh set of eyes, as they might catch mistakes that you missed. Grammatically speaking, it’s also important that you remain consistent throughout your resume. For example, if you use the Oxford comma in one section of your resume, the rest of your resume should also utilize this comma. If you use conjunctions such as “it’s” in one place, you shouldn’t use “it is” in others. This not only demonstrates your grammatical acumen, but it also shows an attention to detail that hiring managers are going to take note of. 2. Lengthy objective statements For those of you unfamiliar with resume writing, there is a typical format that includes an objective statement in which an applicant includes a statement of intent. In other words, this statement lets the hiring manager know what you are looking for in a potential opportunity. There is a lot of debate as to whether or not this statement is necessary, and really, it’s up to your discretion. That being said, if you do choose to include such a statement, there are several things to keep in mind. For one thing, this is meant to be a short statement that provides an overview of your background and career goals. It’s easy to get carried away here and drone on about your qualifications, but let your resume speak for itself. Keep your statement short, sweet and to the point. Second, tailor this statement to the job you are applying for. Just because you’re looking for a position in Marketing doesn’t mean that all positions in that field are looking for the same type of candidate. A position seeking a Marketing Copywriter and a position seeking a Creative Design Marketer are vastly different. So, tailor your statement accordingly. For the copywriter opportunity, state your interest in writing and briefly outline your experience. For the design opening, state your interest in graphic design and outline your experience there. Each position will be different, and speaking to the specific position in your objective statement can work in your favor more than a general overview would. 3. Overall length Many applicants struggle with their resume length. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to keep it short. However, limiting yourself to one page when you have two pages worth of experience is doing a disservice to your candidacy and is a major resume mistake. To determine where you fall, look at your experience. If you are seeking an entry-level position, your resume shouldn’t go over one page. If you are seeking a mid to senior level position, you should be including all relevant experience on your resume, regardless of page length. From there, you can shorten your resume if necessary. An ideal resume is 1-2 pages, as you don’t want to lose the hiring manager’s attention. However, don’t leave out important details to meet that page requirement. Take a look at your experience, prioritize and craft your resume accordingly. For additional help regarding your qualifications, you can always utilize a resume writing workshop and get some advice specific to your experiences and goals. 4. Listing responsibilities In a resume, you are trying to explain to a hiring manager why you are qualified for a position. For this reason, simply listing your job experience without elaborating on your day-to-day responsibilities is yet another resume mistake. Generally speaking, you want to list bullet points that detail your responsibilities under each position you’ve held. That being said, you don’t want to include too little or too much information â€" there is a happy medium here. Take a look at the job description for the position you are applying to. What are they looking for? What specific tasks have you taken on that fit those requirements? This will help to guide you in terms of what information is important on your resume and what isn’t. So if the job is for a technical writer and they are looking for an organized, self-starter, make sure your responsibilities include that time that you took the initiative outside of your assigned responsibilities and organized your internship’s publication schedule. While you don’t need to tailor every detail in your resume, adding such key points will really help to set you apart from the competition. 5. Contact information You need to include your contact information on your resume. This includes your email (make sure your personal email is professional sounding), best phone number, and current location (city and state â€" you do not need your full address). Without this information listed on your resume, employers are unable to contact you if they are interested in your candidacy. Additionally, there are many applicants that strictly include emails as they prefer email communication, but not listing your phone number can read negatively to a hiring manager. When you are applying for positions, you want to appear as available as possible, so listing your contact details is very important. Recruiters do also use this information to reach out to you when you post your resumes on job boards, and this can certainly work in your favor, so make sure that you are including that information to broaden your search scope. Photo Via: 6. Educational information Many applicants also make resume mistakes in their educational background. For one thing, you need to include your highest level of completed education. If you don’t have a college degree, make sure that’s clear on your resume. If you are working towards a degree but have not yet obtained it, make sure you state the expected date of graduation to alert employers that the degree is not completed. While leaving out this information may feel like it increases your odds, all it does is waste a hiring manager’s time as well as your own if a company requires a completed degree for all employees. So be transparent on your resume when it comes to your education. Additionally, providing your date of graduation is always important, as well as GPA. That being said, including GPA is only beneficial to you if it’s noteworthy (i.e. if you had a 3.5+ GPA). If not, it does not need to be included, so do not feel obligated to. Finally, any honors related to your education should be included here as well. It might feel like you’re bragging, but any achievements should always be listed on your resume, including, but not limited to, honor society involvement, dean’s list inclusion, etc. 7. High school experience As an entry-level candidate, it’s often tempting to include high school work experience to bolster your resume and give the appearance of experience. Avoid this urge, as it’s another common resume mistake. Most high school experience is irrelevant when it comes time to apply for entry-level openings. Your position at the department store as a sales associate is only relevant if you are applying for a customer service/sales opportunity. So you can include this information if it speaks directly to the position you are applying to, otherwise, drop it entirely. This also goes for any high school clubs or distinctions. Your involvement in your high school honor society doesn’t mean anything upon college graduation, so don’t list it on your resume. Involvement in your college honor society is a different story. In other words, be picky when it comes to your high school experiences. When in doubt, don’t include it. Your goal is to appear professional and relying on your high school experiences can have the opposite impact. Infographic by Victoria Robertson via: 8. Too much information Just like your resume can be too long, you can include too much information on your resume. While you do want to highlight all relevant experience, you don’t want to go overboard, either. So, rather than detailing every task you complete during the work day, go for the bigger ticket items. For example, rather than creating several bullet points related to your organizational skills, condense these items into one bullet point. Go for the general ideas and elaborate from there. In addition, you want to be truthful on your resume, so don’t include information that you aren’t confident in. If you created a promotional ad once, but aren’t sure you could do it again, leave that out. Or, word that experience appropriately: i.e. “Contributed to creation of promotional ads.” This says that you didn’t complete this on your own, but that you have some knowledge in this regard. Playing with wording is key, and you want to continue with the mantra: short, sweet and to the point. Don’t overdo it and don’t oversell yourself. 9. Formatting This is a key resume mistake that many applicants don’t even pick up on. Formatting your resume is extremely important, as this impacts the overall look of your resume. While this may not seem that important, it gives the hiring manager a positive or negative image, and that’s without even reading it. So, to say it’s important is an understatement. Formatting includes the font size, font choice, indentations and consistency. Again, consistency is key when it comes to building a resume. So, if you use Times New Roman in one section, the entire resume needs to be in Times New Roman. Your name should be large, your contact information smaller. If your company title is in bold one place, it needs to be bold everywhere else. These are all minor details that impact the overall aesthetic of your resume, so paying attention to them is very important. 10. Structure Along these same lines, it’s important to structure your resume in a way that’s aesthetically easy to follow and visually pleasing. For one thing, your most recent experience should be listed at the top, and your experience should follow from there chronologically, ending with your least recent experience. This is the most common formatting, so this is the best way to avoid confusion. In addition, when you list your experience, if you have the company title, position title and dates listed in that order for one position, all following positions need to be structured similarly. Again, this is a matter of consistency and, while it seems a minute detail considering the bigger picture, it does have a big impact on a hiring manager. Structure here also refers to the layout of the resume as a whole. Any random indentations or areas in which your formatting is confusing can come across as sloppy to a hiring manager and cost you a job, without even considering your qualifications yet. First impressions matter, and the structure/formatting of your resume is yours, so don’t make this resume mistake! When it comes to applying for new positions, no matter the level you are applying for, resume mistakes are costly and detrimental to your chances of getting hired. And while it’s monotonous and uninteresting, crafting the perfect resume without mistakes is essential to success in your job search. By keeping these 10 resume mistakes in mind when building a new resume, you will avoid some of the most common pitfalls and hopefully, greatly improve your chances at being brought in for an interview by the hiring manager. Just as you would dress to impress during an interview, your resume should be top-notch to give that clean and professional appearance that hiring managers crave.

Teach, Learn and Become an E-Tutor at Fauqua!

Teach, Learn and Become an E-Tutor at Fauqua!Do you have a passion for teaching? Do you want to be an E-Tutor at Fauqua? E-tutoring is a great way to make your dreams come true.It's easy to enroll in an E-tutoring program as a student of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). Once you complete an E-tutoring course, you will have the opportunity to work at any of their locations.An E-tutoring course consists of learning the requirements to become an E teacher. After completing the program, you will find out if you qualify to take this exam. A teacher who has been studying for the test is known as an 'E-Tutor.' If you are one of the many qualified teachers and are ready to begin, you can become an E-Tutor at Fauqua.You can learn more about becoming an E-Tutor at Fauqua by visiting their website. If you have been studying for these exams, you can begin today! The training is online and you can earn a certification at your own pace.You can find out if you qualify to become an E-Tutor at Fauqua by using the information provided on their website. Make sure you do some research, such as checking with the State Department of Education and making sure that you're actually eligible. Before you take the exam, you will also need to meet the state requirements.You can learn more about becoming an E-Tutor at Fauqua by taking an online course and attending an informational seminar. These seminars are scheduled throughout the year, so it's important to sign up early to secure your spot. You can find out more about becoming anE Tutor at Fauqua by visiting their website. A meeting with a representative will give you more information about these exam.If you want to learn more about becoming an E-Tutor at Fauqua, check out their website and enroll today. Take your career to the next level!

I hope you enjoyed this article on some of the items available for learning chemistry. Check out my website for more!Chemistry Teks - Easy to Learn Math and Science

I hope you enjoyed this article on some of the items available for learning chemistry. Check out my website for more!Chemistry Teks - Easy to Learn Math and ScienceWith all the new chemistry teks this year, you can't go wrong! With some of the easiest teks to play in this season, you really should try some. Below are just a few. All of these teks are easy and challenging.What're an electron, a cup of tea, and a paper caterpillar all about? This tek is not a difficult one, but it does take some practice. It's also fairly quick to get going once you get the hang of it.This tek is one that takes a little time to learn. It's short and to the point, and you should be able to get through it with very little guidance.You can start your TeX practice session with this tek. While it doesn't require a great deal of programming, it still provides plenty of challenges.These teks can take many different forms. These are just a few of the ones I've seen.One of the best teks to learn old chemistry i s the one with the old chemistry teacher from Dr. Suess' The Joy of Painting. In this one, the concept of how chlorophyll works is explained. In this method, you will also learn about attraction and repulsion.

Find a Private Tutor in Cardiff.

Find a Private Tutor in Cardiff. Where to Look for Private Tuition in the Capital of Wales. ChaptersIs a Private Tutor Worth It?Cardiff’s Opportunities for Private Tutoring.Cardiff is a beautiful city to grow up â€" and has even been voted the best city in the UK to live. That was due to its stellar quality of life, its low cost of living, and the fact that, not very far away, you’ve got some of the most beautiful places in the whole of the UK. No-one is going to argue that Cardiff isn’t, simply, great.It’s now also a city with a booming education centre and an increasingly flourishing international population â€" two things which are giving the city an extra bounce in its stride. And there’s opportunities aplenty. If you’re living elsewhere, move there; if you live there already, there’s no reason to go anywhere else.Yet, this is not an advert for Cardiff. Rather, we’re here to tell you of the great private tuition scene in Wales’s capital city. Because, whether you are after a trigonometry and algebra tutor or an English tutor, a chemistry tutor or a Spa nish tutor, it’s a pretty great city to find them in too.So, listen up: private tuition is another thing that makes Cardiff excellent.Find private tuition across the UK and private tutoring in London. Find yourself a personal tutor in Cardiff! CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsIs a Private Tutor Worth It?First, let’s set the record straight, by answering one of the most common questions about private tuition there is: is it actually worth it? Well, to put the answer quite simply, there is a reason why a quarter of secondary school kids have a private tutor. Yes, they are totally worth it.Tutors Enable Greater Academic Success.The most obvious reason why private tutors are so worth it is that they improve your â€" or your child’s â€" grades. Whilst schools in the Cardiff area are often really fantastic, nothing beats the one-on- one care and attention that the best local tutors provide.To have a dedicated tutor to work with you through your exam preparation. To have someone who can guide you in the direction of the most effective study skills. To have someone who can go step by step through your mathematics courses with you.This is going to enable you to bring every detail from the syllabus into your knowledge â€" and then find the best ways to bring it out again during your exams and practice tests.The school system is great. But if, as a student, you want to push yourself hard, a private tutor can help you do this. Private tutors do help to improve your grades.Find private tutors in Manchester and personal tuition in Birmingham.Tutors Help to Build Confidence.But a home tutor does not just teach you, in that clinical, straightforward sort of way. What they do instead â€" or, at least, what the best tutors do â€" is to support you in finding your own answers to questions and to help you build your individu al academic confidence along the way.This is the important thing. Private tutors â€" academic, musical, linguistic, or of another sort â€" should be passionate and enthusiastic about the subject, and they should be able to welcome you into their passion too.If you think of private tutors as people who are going to come in and just improve your or your child’s grades just like that, then you are missing something. Because tuition is rather a more nuanced and human process, that teaches your child much more than that.A private tutor provides what a school teacher can’t necessarily: attention, personal support, and empathy with the demands of your learning.Find yourself private tuition in Glasgow or personal tutors in Leeds! Private classes should, perhaps, be fun!Cardiff’s Opportunities for Private Tutoring.In Cardiff, the opportunities to find a tutor for your subject are numerous, potentially even overwhelming. There are hundreds of tutors, of hundreds of possible subjects, in the city. You just need to find the right one for you.And here’s the thing. Just because the tutor has great reviews or has tutored thousands of people to the highest grades and levels of success, it doesn’t mean that they are right for you.Tutors are human â€" and you are human too â€" and if you don’t get on with them, then it’s not going to be a hugely successful, or enjoyable, experience. That’s why it’s helpful if tutors offer, like we do at Superprof, a first session free.Make sure you take advantage of this sort of offer. Because you really need to make sure that your future tutor is right for you.But, let’s get down to it. Because there are so many tutors in the Cardiff area, we can’t list them all. Her e are some of the best â€" for academic subjects, music tuition, and for languages.We hope you find it helpful!Academic Tutoring â€" in All Major Subjects.The English tutor and the maths tutor are the two most sought-after subject teachers in the whole profession. That’s why, wherever you look across the city, you’ll find English and maths teachers in the greatest numbers. If that’s what you want tutoring in, then lucky you.But if you want tuition in another subject, there’s no reason to worry, however â€" as you’ll see.One-on-One Tutoring in Any Subject, with Cardiff Vale Tutors.Cardiff Vale Tutors are one of the most professional tuition outfits in the Cardiff area. A large number of their staff are qualified teachers â€" or, at least, graduates with teaching experience in school.They run across the Cardiff area and offer pretty much every subject you could want to be tutored in. That means science to Spanish, English to art â€" from GCSE to degree level at university. They also have specialist support for people with dyslexia and dyscalculia too â€" so everyone is covered.Take English and Maths Tuition at MagiKats Cardiff.MagiKats are a UK-wide tuition provider whose aim is to make tuition fun without compromising on academic content.They run courses for kids from primary school-level upwards, in maths, English, and reasoning. They are based in Llandaff and run classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.Learn English and Maths with Kumon Cardiff.Kumon is a global tuition company that has over sixty years’ experience. Based on the teaching method of its founder, Toru Kumon, each local centre provides individual tuition in maths and English.Classes run for students between the age of six and fourteen â€" and the centre is in St John’s Church in Canton.Get Support with Entrance Exams with Explore Tuition.Whilst Explore Tuition offer maths and English tuition too, they are remarkable for the attention they pay to get children to pass the Eleven Plus and entrance exams for different independent schools.Based in Thornhill, Explore Tuition provide themselves on their unique approach to tuition â€" and the fact that they tailor the class content just to you.Find a Private Tutor in Cardiff with Superprof.At Superprof, we link up students with passionate and experienced tutors in literally over a thousand subjects. Our online platform is easy to use and will connect you with as many private tutors in your area that you need.Our tutors will come to you or meet wherever is preferable to you. Your private tutor is just a click away â€" and they can teach you languages and music too!Find private tutors in Edinburgh and private tuition in Belfast!Cardiff’s Language Tutors and English Classes.With its growing international population, there is an ever-blooming language-learning scene in the city. Whether this is for French or Spanish, Japanese or Mandarin, you’ll find someone qualified to teach you how to impress your lover or re locate abroad.For whatever reason you want to speak a foreign language, you’ll find the training you need here.Take an English Class with PC English.PC English is the name of the company run by Paul, a highly experienced English-language tutor in Cardiff. From training for the IELTS to casual learning, PC English has everything you need as a member of the international community in Cardiff.You needn’t look any further for English classes in Cardiff.Find a French Tutor with French Tuition Cardiff.People learn French for a variety of reasons â€" for the purposes of their high school exam or just for the fun of it. This is something that Fabienne, who runs French Tuition Cardiff, understands completely.And if you are hoping to learn French, with Fabienne you are in safe hands. The private class is the only way to learn a musical instrument.Music Tuition in Cardiff.There’s not really any other way to learn music â€" whether a musical instrument or music theory â€" than with a private music tutor. It doesn’t really work in a group and people who try to learn independently often just give up.Here are two private music tutors in Cardiff that can help to improve your musical ear.Home Tutoring in Music from R.L. Johns.At R.L. Johns, they â€" or rather, Rhodri himself â€" teach everything from music production to piano and mandolin.He’s a music producer himself, but also an incredibly experienced teacher who can guide you through all the musical needs you may have.Learn an Instrument with IMS Cardiff.The Cardiff International Music School is where some of the best music tuition in Cardiff happens. From drum to bassoon, from cello to vocals, their music tuition is well-regarded, professional, and guaranteed to get you playing.